viernes, 27 de julio de 2012


IF YOU KNOW, THERE IS NO NEED TO BE HERE. If you don't know, then please never ask questions from your knowledge, from your so-called knowledge. 


And I am not saying that you don't know. If you know, it is very good; but I AM NOT INTERESTED IN "KNOWERS." You can go and teach the masses and help the poor people. It is because of you and people like you that they are still poor. And it is because of you and people like you, that they are still living in hell. And they will live in hell unless leaders like you stop serving them. Unless do-gooders like you stop doing good, they will remain in their misery.

But my interest is only in those people who have come to know that they don't know, that they are ignorant. In India it is very difficult. Knowledge has become part of the Indian blood. For centuries they have been like parrots, repeating SHASTRAS, scriptures -- memorizing -- not knowing anything, but feeling very egoistic that they know. 

Whenever such a person comes here, I am simply surprised why he should come here. Out of all the places, this place is not for you, people like you -- not at all. COME HERE ONLY IF YOU CAN THROW YOUR KNOWLEDGE OUTSIDE THE GATE. Where you leave your shoes, leave your knowledge too, your head too. Only then can you understand what is happening here. If it is not possible for you, there is no need to come.

And I am not interested in the masses -- because IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE MASSES, YOU HAVE TO BE MANIPULATED BY THE MASSES. I am not in any way a mass man, because I am very individual. I have my own way, my own life, my own style, and I don't allow anybody to interfere with it. If you want to become a man of the masses, the whole mass interferes with you. They teach you how you should sit and how you should stand, and what you should say and what you should not say, and what you should eat and what you should not eat, and when you should go to bed and when you should get up. They teach you everything. 

This is very ironical that the people who think they are leaders of the masses and gurus of the masses, in fact, are the slaves of the masses. The masses teach them how to be. They don't have any freedom. And the masses go on looking from everywhere: "ARE YOU REALLY FOLLOWING WHAT THE MASS WANTS TO BE FOLLOWED? Are you really following the idea of the mass, what a saint should be like?" Or if you are not following, then you become a fallen saint; then you are a sinner.

I DON'T ALLOW ANYBODY TO DICTATE MY LIFE. I don't allow anybody's life to be dictated by me. That's why I don't give any discipline to my people. I simply confer freedom on them and a responsibility to be free. NEVER INTERFERE WITH ANYBODY'S LIFE, and don't allow anybody to interfere with your life. Be individualistic. I am not a socialist, I am not a communist. I believe in the individual. I am absolutely an unashamed individualist.

I was moving around the country, I was moving among the masses for many years, but I was surprised to see the fact that THE MASSES TRY TO MANIPULATE YOU. Rather than learning anything from you, rather than taking anything from you, they try to manipulate you....

IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A SAINT OF THE MASSES, you can become one only in THEIR way. I am not interested in anybody else's way. I have found my way and my goal. I only allow people here who are ready to understand me and who are no longer obsessed with wanting to control me or are obsessed with wanting to be controlled by me. I am a free man, and I confer freedom on you. MY SANNYAS IS A DECLARATION OF FREEDOM. It is not a discipline; it is a freedom.

Ecstasy - The Forgotten Language
Ch #6: Trust your nature
am in Buddha Hall

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